Wasp and Sprout – Nairobi, Kenya

Wasp and Sprout is a wonderful quirky cafe/coffee boutique hidden away in the Old Loresho Shopping centre. A little difficult to find but when you do and you walk into the cafe its charm, eclectic decor and dreamy African interiors attracts you instantly. It is perfect for those Instagram snaps with its design, colours and rustic feel and believe me I now want cushions for my dining chairs the same as the ones pictured below.

The Cafe doubles up as a store/showroom, showcasing various items from paintings, cushions (I have my eye on them), dresses, purses, lampshades, jewellery and so much more. All the items are stunning pieces and if you are looking for African inspired products this is the place for you. I had to control myself as my luggage was already overflowing.



My friend Harpreet joined me and we pondered over the menu, which was fun, extensive and very reasonably priced. We were starting our day off there before joining our friend Meera for lunch so we opted for a light breakfast and picked the fruit salad.

We chose our coffees and then chatted away about life, blogging and our hopes and dreams. The coffee was pretty darn good and the perfect caffeine fuelled kickstart to the day.

The cafe itself is really spacious and there were lots of people working away on laptops and it was definitely the perfect cafe to do that. I would totally have brought my laptop and blogged if I had known. The wifi is decent too.

It is the kind of place you could settle in for hours with lovely music in the background, the cute flower pots adorning each wooden table and the colourful creative space.

Intrigued by the dream behind this venue, as it is pretty unique, I had a quick read of their website, where they state:

The Wasp symbolizes the resilience of Africa and its people. Sprout, the new beginning and growth of our team.

That is rather lovely and it is so nice how they champion lesser know fair trade and environmentally friendly products in their cafe. It is a different style of shopping where you can leisurely look at the items whilst enjoying a coffee or a meal. Some of the products are just so incredible and it always amazes me how much talent there is in Kenya and so glad that artists are being given such a great opportunity to show case their work.


If you are looking for a nice new venue for breakfast, brunch or lunch, Wasp and Sprout, although it may be a little tricky to find the first time, is totally worth it. In fact, if you are looking for a new coffee shop to work from this is perfect and its such a edgy, artsy space that it is bound to get your creative juices flowing.

Wasp and Sprout can be found at the following location.